Glaucoma Treatment in Wollondilly Shire

Glaucoma Treatment in Wollondilly Shire

Are you aware of an eye condition often referred to as the “sneak thief of sight”? I’m referring to glaucoma. Most people with glaucoma have no early sign or symptoms, yet vision loss is irreversible. What if glaucoma is quietly damaging YOUR vision without you...
UV Eye Damage: How to Prevent It

UV Eye Damage: How to Prevent It

Have you ever wondered what prolonged exposure to the sun is doing to your eyes? Do you know how UV rays can silently damage your vision?Don’t make the mistake of believing that UV damage only affects the skin. It can severely impact your eyes too. In fact your...
Pterygium Treatment and Causes

Pterygium Treatment and Causes

Could that strange growth on your eye be more than just a minor annoyance? You may have a benign growth, something called pterygium (a.k.a. “surfers eye”) that is a response to UV exposure. Contrary to common belief, the condition doesn’t always go...